Dynamic bottleneck starvation control
Wagenhaus, Gerd; Gürke, Niels; Kurt, Werner; Bergmann, Ulf
In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems , 1st ed. 2021. - Cham : Springer International Publishing ; Dolgui, Alexandre, S. 544-552 - ( IFIP advances in information and communication technology; volume 634) [Konferenz: International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5-9, 2021]
Evaluation of complex manufacturing systems in the context of aggregated operating curves
Bergmann, Ulf; Heinicke, Matthias; Wagenhaus, Gerd; Schmidt, Sascha
In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems , 1st ed. 2021. - Cham : Springer International Publishing ; Dolgui, Alexandre, S. 127-135 - ( IFIP advances in information and communication technology; volume 634) [Konferenz: International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5-9, 2021]
Approach for the Evaluation of Production Structures
Bergmann, Ulf; Heinicke, Matthias
In: Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing - Cham : Springer . - 2017, S. 174-183 [Konferenz: APMS 2017]
Lecture notes in manufacturing systems design and manufacturing process organisation - selected chapters from factory operations, factory planning, manufacturing enterprise organisation & cyber physical production
Kühnle, Hermann; Bergmann, Ulf; Heinicke, Matthias; Wagenhaus, Gerd; Bayanifar, Hessam; Muhammed, Idris; Zarour, Yahia
In: Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2017, 324 Seiten, ISBN: 3736994818 [Literaturangaben]
Collaborative working environments - distance factors affecting collaboration
Pallot, Marc; Bergmann, Ulf; Kühnle, Hermann; Pawar, Kulwant S.; Riedel, Johann C. K. H.
In: 2010 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE) , 2010 - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE . - 2016 [Kongress: 2010 IEEE International Technology Management Conference, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-23 June 2010]
Assessment of structural qualities of production systems
Bergmann, Ulf; Heinicke, Matthias
In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Initiatives for a Sustainable World - Cham : Springer . - 2016, S. 317-324 [Konferenz: APMS 2016]
Resilience of productions systems by adapting temporal or spatial organization
Bergmann, Ulf; Heinicke, Matthias
In: Procedia CIRP / CIRP - The International Academy for Production Engineering - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 57 (2016), S. 183-188 [Kongress: 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems]
Using summary representatives for products and processes for analyzing the assembly of control cabinets
Heinicke, Matthias; Bergmann, Ulf
In: ICBTT 2014 - JSME, S. 29-37 Kongress: ICBTT2014 7 Magdeburg 2014.12.04-06
Methodisch planen - erfolgreich agieren
Bergmann, Ulf; Heinicke, Matthias; Wagenhaus, Gerd
In: Industrie-Management : Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse. - Berlin : GITO-Verl, Bd. 30.2014, 4, S. 45-48
miniGPS - Betreibermodelle für wachstumsorientierte KMU
Bergmann, Ulf; Wagenhaus, Gerd
In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb : ZWF. - München : Hanser, Bd. 109.2014, 9, S. 629-632
Collaboration virtual environments and immersion in distributed engineering contexts
Pallot, Marc; Bergmann, Ulf
In: Distributed manufacturing - London : Springer . - 2010, S. 71-92
Multi-agent decision support for configurations of manufacturing networks
Kühnle, Hermann; Bergmann, Ulf; Lüder, Arndt
In: Closing the innovation gap: theory and practice ; proceedings of the 4th Eueopean Conference on Management of Technology / ed. by Rob Dekkers: theory and practice ; proceedings of the 4th Eueopean Conference on Management of Technology - Glasgow . - 2009, insges. 13 S.Kongress: EUROMOT 2009 4 (Glasgow : 2009.09.06-08)
Design of multi-agent decision support for configurations of manufacturing networks
Kühnle, Hermann; Bergmann, Ulf; Lüder, Arndt
In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, ICE 2009: collaborative innovation: emerging technologies, environments and communities ; Leiden, The Netherlands, 22 - 24 June, 2009 / ed. by Klaus-Dieter Thoben ...: collaborative innovation: emerging technologies, environments and communities ; Leiden, The Netherlands, 22 - 24 June, 2009 - Nottingham: Centre for Concurrent Enterprising, Univ. of Nottingham . - 2009, insges. 8 S.Kongress: ICE 2009 15 (Leiden : 2009.06.22-24)
Kommunikation als Optimierungskriterium - ein Beitrag zur Systematisierung der Layoutplanung von Produktionssystemen
Bergmann, Ulf
In: Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2008, XIV, 157 Bl., graph. Darst., 30 cm
Der "China - Preis - Faktor" - Wirkungen der chinesischen Industriekapazitäten auf Produktionsstrategien und Betriebsstrukturen
Kühnle, Hermann; Wagenhaus, Gerd; Bergmann, Ulf
In: Industrie-Management: Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse - Berlin: GITO-Verl., 1996, Bd. 24.2008, 1, S. 23-26[Zsfassung in engl.Sprache]
Virtual Commissioning : Vortrag.
Scheffter, Dirk; Bergmann, Ulf; Wagenhaus, Gerd
In: 6th International Conference Production Engineering "Knowledge-Vision-Framework" (Wroclaw, 7.-8. Dezember 2006)
E-Voting-System ergänzt die Fabrikplanungssoftware FacToTuM
Wagenhaus, Gerd; Bergmann, Ulf; Klesinski, R.
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online - Düsseldorf: VDI Fachmedien, Bd. 96 (2006), 6, S. 422-424
Innovationen vom Campus - das E-Voting-System aus Magdeburg
Wagenhaus, Gerd; Bergmann, Ulf; Klesinski, Rene
In: Opensource: das Innovationsmagazin für wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter : Wissenschaft, Hochschule, Karriere, Spin-Off - München: OS Technology Research Inst. für Technologietransfer und Innovationsentwicklung . - 2006, S. 25
Collaborative process and E-business implementation in extended enterprises.
Kuehnle, Hermann; Bergmann, Ulf; Martinetz, Joerg
In: Demeter, Krisztina (Hrsg.): Operational and global competitiveness (12th International conference Budapest, Hungary, June 19-22, 2005). - papers. Budapest : Diamond Congress Ltd., 2005, S. 269 - 277 (EurOMA 2005)
Approach to communication oriented configuration of production systems.
Bergmann, Ulf; Wagenhaus, Gerd; Kuehnle, Hermann
In: Shuping, Yl (Hrsg.) ; Xiaohui, Cheng (Hrsg.): Modern industrial engineering and innovation in enterprise management. Vol. 1 (12th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management Chongqing, China 6 - 8 November 2005). - proceedings. Beijing : China Machine Press, 2005, S. 699 - 703
Approaches to communication oriented configuration of production systems.
Bergmann, Ulf; Wagenhaus, Gerd
In: Prace naukowe Instytutu Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji Politechniki Wroclawskiej = Scientific papers of the Institute of Production Engineering and Automation of the Wroclaw University of Technology [Wroclaw] Nr. 84 = conferences 41(2003), S. 267 - 276