
Former students and employees are cordially invited to stay in contact with us as alumni. With them we maintain a regular cooperation within joint projects or the supervision of student works.

We consider all to be alumni who have been / are connected to our chair as employee, graduate student or diplomate/master. You consider yourself as "IAF-Alumni" and would like to stay in contact with us? Just send an email stating "I am an IAF-Alumni because ..." and ask to get registered in our mailing list:


Announcement 4th Alumni Meeting 2025

Friday, 16. May 2025 in Magdeburg


Review 3rd Alumni Meeting and Announcement 4th Alumni Meeting 2025

We would like to thank all those who took the opportunity to get in touch with us and with each other - again. Our conversations revolved around current challenges, mutual interest, joint projects and plans for the future. We are very happy about every lively contact that has been established and will be continued. Thanks especially to those who came to Magdeburg. We hope it was an interesting and relaxing afternoon and evening for everyone.


All these positive things have moved us to resume the 4th alumni meeting in the "old" rhythm of 5: In 2025 we will again invite to Magdeburg.


We are already very much looking forward to it!


Best regards Julia Arlinghaus, Arndt Lüder and the chair team







3rdalumnit Alumni Meeting, 02 September 2022 in Magdeburg

  • Symposium mit Impulsvorträgen unserer Alumni (Siemens Factory Automation, Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG, COMAN Software GmbH)
  • Führungen am Lehrstuhl PSA (Versuchsstand „Smart Factory“ für die Demonstration des Verhaltens von Produktionsabläufen und  Arbeitswissenschaftliches Labor zur Förderung von Gründungen in der „innovativen Arbeitswelt 4.0“)
  • Führungen am Virtual Development und Training Centre VDTC (Mixed-Reality-Labor Elbedome und Energy Operation Center.)
  • Alumni Meeting in a comfortable atmosphere in the Magdeburger Location "Daniel's Elbwerk"

2nd Alumni Meeting 2015, 25 September 2015 in Magdeburg
Symposium "Global agierende Zulieferunternehmen / Industrie 4.0 - Ein Rückblick" in the Senatssaal of the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg
Alumni Meeting in a comfortable atmosphere in the Magdeburger Location "Elbelandhaus"

1st Alumni Meeting 2010
Symposium "How manufacturing company are mastering the crisis"
in the Experimentellen Fabrik in Magdeburg
Alumni-Meeting in a comfortable atmosphere in the Magdeburger Location "Mückenwirt"


Last Modification: 27.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster