Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Frugal Production and Supply Chain Design
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Erkennen und Erfassen von Störungen in der manuellen Montage komplexer Kleinserienprodukte
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Machine learning in production planning and control
Current promotion (intern)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Untersuchung des Einsatzpotentials inertialsensorbasierter Motion Capture-Systeme zur Ergonomiebewertung
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Knowledge Discovery in heterogeneous IT Landscapes
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Nutzer- und entscheidungszentrierte Eliminierung der informationslogistischen Verschwendung in Produktionssystemen
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Intelligent automation of quality management in digital production facility planning
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Exploiting self-driving functions of autonomous vehicles to increase assembly performance
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Migration Strategies for Engineering Processes of Automation Systems
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Digital and consistent engineering of production plants in consideration of neutral exchange formats as a foundation for sustainability
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Ontology-based development of families of domain-specific languages for the design of production systems and their control systems
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. oec. Julia Arlinghaus
Human-centered design of IT systems in production and logistics
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Strategic data management for data- and information-driven planning and production processes
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Gerätearchitekturen für leistungsfähige Industrie 4.0 Anwendungen
Current promotion (external)
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder
Aufbau und die Untersuchung des sogenannten „Digitalen Zwillings“ für einen additiven Produktionsprozess